Do You Really Need To Floss Your Teeth?

Do You Really Need To Floss Your Teeth?

Do You Really Need To Floss Your Teeth?

In recent years, there have been some mixed reviews on the benefits of flossing. And let’s face it, we have all met at least one person with perfect oral hygiene—who swears that they never floss. While your dentists will still advise flossing daily, studies show that flossing isn’t your only option—but you do need to do something to remove the bacteria causing food and plaque between your teeth.

What Is The Point Of Flossing Your Teeth?

Tooth floss or tape is one of the easiest ways to access the hard-to-reach, in-between areas of your teeth. Flossing takes just about 30 seconds to complete but is something that many kids and adults skip—or only turn to when they can feel or see food that is stuck between their teeth. However, just because you can’t see of feel it, doesn’t mean it’s not there. If you allow food particles or plaque to remain trapped between your teeth and gums, the bacteria they carry can lead to gum disease and tooth decay.

Are There Any Alternatives To Flossing?

Flossing doesn’t take long, but it can feel awkward and even uncomfortable. The good news is, there are alternatives to traditional tooth floss. First start with waxed floss, or tape-style floss that makes it easier to get in-between your teeth. Also, browse through the selection of easy-reach flossing tools and inter-dental cleansers—which can be found in just about any grocery and drug store.

When Should You Floss?

When it really comes down to it, flossing once a day is the ultimate goal. If it fits into your schedule, floss directly after brushing your teeth—and follow up with your mouthwash of choice. However, if you prefer to floss before you brush, or to floss mid-day—that works too. It is also an excellent idea to keep tooth floss or a toothpick in your purse, car, or desk at work—so that you can easily remove food the occasional food particles at a moment’s notice.

Flossing Is A Must If You Have Gingivitis

Flossing drastically reduces your odds of getting gingivitis, and in turn, periodontal gum disease. However, if you have been diagnosed with gingivitis—flossing is a must. If your gums are sore, inflamed, or bleeding, flossing will not initially be comfortable. Within a few weeks, the symptoms should begin to subside.

As hard as we worked to design a superior tooth brush, the Triple Bristle still can’t replace good old flossing!