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Hate Going to the Dentist?

Hate Going to the Dentist?

For some, a dental check up can spark feelings of paranoia. 

Especially if you have a history of cavities, gum disease, or…haven’t had your teeth professionally cleaned in a very loooong time. 

I get it. 

Not only can it be embarrassing, but you’re also afraid your dentist is going to drop bad news on you and say something is wrong with your teeth. 


Despite what your situation may be, your dentist would prefer to see you than not - even if you’re like…

Triple Bristle customer Allison V., who HATES going to the dentist. 

She said:

I had my own 6 month check up today, and even though I have great teeth and gums, I hate going to the dentist. 

I don’t know if it’s just me or other patients of yours have this problem as well, but the reason I hate it so much is because having my mouth open so long gives me such a terrible headache. 

My jaw and temples hurt so bad after having my mouth open for a few minutes. 

By the end of my cleaning, I’ve got tears running down the side of my face, my jaw is trembling, and all I can think about is closing my mouth and rubbing my temples, taking some ibuprofen and getting the heck out of there! 

I’m a good sport about it- I don’t complain to the dentist, I just suck it up and try to muscle through it but it’s absolutely terrible. 

Do you have any advice for someone like me with this problem to help?!?! I’d love to know!

Well, first, kudos to you for maintaining healthy teeth and gums. 

And regarding your cleaning experience, I would definitely consider trying a professionally made night guard, sized and fitted to your mouth by your dentist, to wear when you sleep. 

Based on the information you mentioned…

It sounds like maybe your chewing muscles are being overworked. 

I have a similar problem, and know how agonizing it can feel :-)

What happens is while we’re sleeping, we’re unknowingly clenching and grinding our teeth.

The most common cause of this is stress and anxiety. 

Another solution worth consideration is at your next dental appointment, tell your hygienist about your experience and ask if they could use a bite block. 

It’s a small rubber triangle that you bite on to keep your mouth open. 

Most dental offices will have these available, but they don’t always know when to use them, especially if their patient is “muscling through the pain.”