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My #1 Secret to Getting MORE Sleep

My #1 Secret to Getting MORE Sleep

I recently read somewhere that 1 in 3 adults don’t get enough sleep. 

Yes, sleep disorders are common but there’s also this…

A desire to squeeze more into your day so you can live your best life. 

I’m guilty of this, and chances are, you are too. 

Not getting a full night’s rest can have devastating consequences on your health. 

Possibly putting you at higher risk for: 


Developing diabetes 

Feelings of depression

And many other health problems that affect our daily lives.

That’s why I always recommend trying to get at least seven hours of sleep each night.

So, instead of having to hit the sack earlier…

Setting your alarm clock to go off later…

Having less time to get ready for your day…   



(Hurry! You’re late for work!)


There’s an easier way to get a little more sleep each night and add a few more minutes to your morning routine.

Learn more about my #1 secret on how you can make your morning routine feel less rushed.  

It can literally be the difference between sitting down for breakfast or eating in the car. 

Keep smiling!